10 Reasons To Choose Canterbury College

1. Our Academic Culture

80% of our students are ATAR eligible for university entry, with 35% of Canterbury graduates achieving a 90 ATAR score or higher.

Our Academic Achievement Webpage

2. Care Central

Your children can rely on proven successful wellbeing services with The Resilience Project whole college program, our pastoral care House System, and full physical and mental health support via the Care Central hub – complete with fully certified counsellors, medics and the College Chaplain.

Our Care Central Webpage.

3. Wide Curriculum Subject Range

Starting from Years 5-6 with our Spark Program offering 10+ electives – see flyer images, which continues into Senior School with 27 subject options for our Year 10 students alone, guaranteeing something for every child – see brochure images.

Our Academic Webpage

4. Huge Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular Choice

Our students can choose from:

  • The Associated Schools (TAS) competition’s 12 sports.
  • Canterbury’s Swimming, Tennis and Athletics Taipans Sporting Clubs.
  • Our multi award-winning Music & Performing Arts Programs featuring 32 music ensembles, 12 dance crews and 4 drama groups.
  • 16 ‘Thought Sports’ Activity Clubs – including Robotics, The Drone Academy, Chess, Debating, Art, eSports, Gaming, Lego League and the campus Kitchen Garden.
  • Plus various Entrepreneurship courses.

Our Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular Webpage

5. High Quality Professional Teachers

From our Early Learning Centre, right through the Junior School and at every Senior School year level, we hire and retain the best educators on the market, to maintain our high Anglican School academic standards, backed by capped class sizes.

6. Leading Campus Facilities: Does your current or prospective school offer the following?

  • A heated 10-lane Olympic-sized pool and heated dedicated Learn To Swim undercover pool.
  • 8 x tournament-standard hardcourt tennis courts for student and family use.
  • The Gold Coast Commonwealth Games running track with full athletics facility.
  • 2 Sports Halls, 5 playing fields, outdoor basketball and netball courts, plus indoor and outdoor gyms.
  • A public gourmet Yalburru Community Café plus Splash & Smash Sports Centre Café.
  • A major on-campus Events Centre and mid-tier Functions Centre with hospitality students kitchen.
  • A Senior School Library complete with Virtual Reality Digital Hub.
  • A ‘one stop shop’ Care Central facility offering certified medics and student counsellors.
  • An Arts Centre with Performing Arts Theatre; Amphitheatre; plus Music, Dance and Recording Studios.
  • A fully operational campus Kitchen Garden featuring seasonal student-grown fruit, vegetables and herbs; alongside food, health, environmental and wellbeing studies for Junior and Senior School.
  • An integrated Canterbury OSHC Service with Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Bush Kindy.
  • Ample carparking campus-wide and two handy Uniform Shop locations.
  • Beautiful native bushland gardens and Junior School Adventure Playgrounds across 33 hectares.
  • A current 10-year progressive Campus Master Plan to keep our buildings and facilities cutting edge.

7. Character Building Education

Outdoor Education Overnight Camps from Years 3-11, local Community Service charity works, Student Leadership opportunities and International Cultural Tours.

8. Student Discipline

High student behavioural, attendance and school uniform dress standards within a genuinely supportive and respectful environment.

9. Microsoft Showcase School

The highest level Microsoft school technology integration accreditation.

10. All-Inclusive Upfront School Fees

Instead of continuous fees and levies charged throughout the year.

Call Us – 07 3299 0822

Email Us – enrolments@canterbury.qld.edu.au