Health Sciences
Our Health Sciences faculty offers relevant and engaging programs that encompass a wide variety of sub-disciplines, all of which relate to the application of science to health.
YEAR 7 | YEAR 8 | YEAR 9 | YEAR 10 | YEARS 11 AND 12 |
Health and Physical Education Food and Hospitality | Health and Physical Education Food and Hospitality | Health and Physical Education Anatomy and Physiology Food and Hospitality Psychology | Certificate II/III in Health Services¹ Food and Hospitality Health | Certificate III in Fitness (SIS30315)² Health |

Students develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to strengthen their sense of self while building and managing respectful relationships.
Our students learn to build on personal and community strengths and assets.
They critique and challenge assumptions and learn to navigate a range of services and organisations through a range of pathways.
These areas include Health, Physical Education, Fitness, Sporting Excellence, Food and Nutrition, Psychology, Early Childhood Education and Anatomy.
Our highly qualified teaching staff place a focus on the importance of various wellbeing dimensions – including the physical, emotional, mental, social and academic, to ensure students can make informed decisions and choices.
Students participate in a wide range of sporting and physical activities, including competitive team sports, performance-based sports and recreation-based sports.
These events are enabled by the large range of excellent campus facilities – such as six playing fields, our ex-Commonwealth Games athletics track, Olympic-sized heated swimming pool, eight hardcourt tournament-standard tennis courts, indoor and outdoor gyms, shotput and discus nets, cricket nets, long jump and triple jump sandpits, indoor and outdoor playing courts, plus two large sports halls.
Through a range of subjects, students explore the physiology of the human body and the role different structures play in movement and activity.
This presents opportunities to develop greater insights into elite sports performance and health science streams, which in turn leads to foundational knowledge for senior year subjects and university courses.
Within these subjects, students develop a strong understanding of the human body through hands-on learning – including dissections, innovative learning experiences and interactive technology.
They will perform experiments in Food and Nutrition, as well as Psychology, and assemble action plan strategies in Health subjects to promote positive health changes within a community context.

Our Health Sciences faculty boasts highly skilled experts in a variety of fields and encourages sporting excellence in our school-based athletes.
Across our Years 7-9 curriculum, we deliver targeted learning units in alignment with the Australian Curriculum’s Health and Physical Education strand.
In Year 9 and beyond, our students can select from a variety of electives, which help them target specific interest areas, and may lead to further in-depth studies across Years 10-12.
Our Years 7-9 Food and Hospitality subjects encourage a ‘hands-on’ approach to learning, designed to prepare students for the real-world experiences awaiting them.
In Years 10-12 we deliver Hospitality-based units, with Years 11 and 12 students completing a Certificate III in Hospitality.
Senior School student learning is enriched with excursions and incursions to research and investigate experiences in the wider community.
These include joint activities with Surf Lifesaving Queensland in our Sport and Recreation subjects, to Hospitality students gaining food preparation and catering experience at various casual, semi-formal and formal Canterbury events throughout the year.
This education is capped off by school holidays work experience at commercial hotel kitchens at venues like the Sea World Nara Resort.
We offer a range of subjects in Years 10-12 including Psychology, Sport and Recreation, Sport and Fitness, plus Health and Physical Education.
In addition, we offer several VETiS eligible Certificates across Hospitality and Fitness and Health Services.