Canterbury students develop skills and passion for English through a rich selection of curriculum offerings.
YEAR 7 | YEAR 8 | YEAR 9 | YEAR 10 | YEARS 11 AND 12 |
English | English | English | Essential English English Literature | Essential English English Literature |
Our English faculty’s vision is to inspire English students who are curious, critical thinkers and confident communicators.
As English teachers, we are committed to being engaging, thought-provoking and champions of their learning.
Canterbury’s English classrooms provide a focused environment for personal and academic growth, and enable students to share their understandings and insights into a variety of literary and non-literary texts.
Our dedicated English teachers have a broad range of experiences, interests and skills, which contribute to a multi-textured exposure to learning opportunities.
There is a deliberate balance across traditional classic texts, including the works of Shakespeare – such as Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and Othello; George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and the poetry of Seamus Heaney, Maya Angelou and Oodgeroo Noonuccal; as well as more contemporary texts in both print and visual form.
Skills in analytical and creative responses are built within each year level across a variety of genres and modes.
Canterbury students must produce an impressive range of assessment items – such as biographies, multimodal presentations, short stories, reflective journals, analytical expositions, letters, proposals, blogs and monologues.
With a deliberate focus on refining literacy skills, they explore the art of persuasion, communicating for a public audience, and developing their imaginative expression in both written and oral contexts.
At Canterbury there is a full suite of English options to engage students at all levels of their academic development and areas of interest enabling options for future pathways to be determined and focused on their individual needs.
In Years 7-9, the focus is predominantly on building foundational skills of the Australian Curriculum to prepare students for the challenges ahead.
From Year 10 students are able to specialise into a pathway of their choice.

Within the classroom, the multi-faceted teaching approach incorporates a blend of collaborative group work, explicit instruction and independent focus.
This variety of approaches develops a range of additional skills in cooperation, compassion and resilience, alongside critical and creative thinking.
Students and teachers work together to enhance their learning and share their understandings with their peers.
Additionally, students are encouraged to explore a range of media while supporting their ideas through digital presentations.
In addition to the many visual and print texts, students are also encouraged to be producers of their own texts.
They will build a repertoire of personal responses such as humorous anecdotes, journal reflections, creative narratives and passionate speeches advocating for change.
All the while, Canterbury students will be developing their personal confidence skills, as well as global awareness and empathy.
Embedded within the rich English curriculum is a very deliberate and explicit focus on literacy.
Students are prepared with a clear foundation of skills for internal assessment, as well as external NAPLAN testing, through a regime of diagnostic and formative assessments.
These assessments will track any strengths or weaknesses to enable pathways for active teacher interventions where required.
Literacy skills are reinforced by both formal and informal interactions and supported through access to additional tutorials for all year levels.
Canterbury students are prepared for a world beyond the classroom as engaged and interested participants in a modern world.
They are shaped and informed by literary appreciation and are able to articulate understandings with clarity and astute insights.
Year 11 Senior Literature Class | With Assistant Head of English Faculty Billie Loveday
Our Year 11 Senior Literature students are currently studying Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s collection of short stories in her very popular book: The Thing Around Your Neck.
The first story titled ‘Cell One’, delves into the life of Nnamabia, a young Nigerian man imprisoned for stealing and pawning his mother’s jewellery.
Through his story, the narrative vividly portrays the challenges of navigating a corrupt political system and the erosion of authority in Nigeria.
Studying literature provides a great foundation for life beyond school.
It gives students the essential skills to critique and analyse texts adeptly, fostering confidence in discussing literary works.
Moreover, it cultivates creative and critical thinking skills, preparing students for the complexities of higher education and beyond.
Our Assistant Head of English Faculty and Senior School English Teacher Mrs Billie Loveday explains more fully in our video…