Senior School

As students move from Junior School into Senior School, they are encouraged to develop and understand their interests, skills and talents.

Learning to balance their academic life with cocurricular and personal pursuits, while maintaining wellbeing, is vital as students are challenged to develop deeper understanding, complete more complex tasks and build the skills for greater independence.

Senior English teacher and students

Year 7 provides opportunities for students to experience a rigorous and comprehensive course that supports an understanding of who they are as learners. Take a look at our Year 7 at Canterbury page.

In Years 8 and 9, students are encouraged to pursue their interests, choosing from a diverse range of high interest subjects which satisfy a variety of future academic pathways.

Year 10 ensures students are prepared for their senior years as they complete the Australian Curriculum requirements and begin to narrow their focus to subjects that will support their future endeavours.

In careers lessons, students gain understanding of potential pathways.

By the end of Year 10, students have experienced a variety of subjects, allowing them to confidently select the electives relevant to their chosen pathway.

Students in Years 11 and 12 work to attain the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).

Whether choosing a pathway of university, TAFE, defence forces or work, the completion of the QCE by the end of Year 12 provides the summation of formal learning.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) is highly valued here at Canterbury and presents students with excellent opportunities to leave Year 12 with a qualification or preparation for a career path.

Certificate IIIs are offered in the areas of fitness, hospitality and business.

Students may also apply to undertake courses through TAFE or university, as well as traineeships and apprenticeships while completing their formal schooling.

Core Curriculum

Elective Curriculum

Year 7

Students study Australian Curriculum subjects English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Health and Physical Education and Language (Spanish, Chinese or French) for the entire year. They are introduced to a range of subjects in term-based rotations.

Years 8 and 9

Students study Australian Curriculum subjects English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Health and Physical Education over the two years.

Students elect from a wide range of semester-based units to ignite interest in a wide range of disciplines. 

Year 10

Students finalise their Australian Curriculum studies in English, Mathematics, Science and History. 

Students elect from pre-senior semester-based units to expose them to the full range of senior subjects.

Years 11 and 12

Students choose six elective subjects from a broad range of syllabuses: 

  • General

  • Applied

  • VET

  • Extension