Canterbury OSHC: Outside School Hours Care
Our Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care Service is for children enrolled in Prep through to Year 6.

This service is fully owned, operated and provided by Canterbury College – who resumed control from previous third-party managers Camp Australia during the 2022 September School Holidays.
This full and direct ownership enables our Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care children to access and enjoy many more College campus services.
All while still providing every hallmark feature required from a high-quality and truly engaging Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care service.
Come and check us out – we would love to see you…

About Us
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) is offered to students in Prep to Year 6, to provide them with high quality care in a safe, fully supervised and caring environment outside school hours.
The program is based in our specialised OSHC Classroom, Junior School Meadow and other areas of the Canterbury campus.
Activities include outdoor and indoor play, arts and crafts, sports and cooking, as well as incursions and excursions during Vacation Care.
Canterbury’s Motto, Vision, Aspiration and Values provide the framework on which our philosophy is built and understood, and we acknowledge the following in our Canterbury OSHC Philosophy.
Canterbury OSHC provides opportunities in My Time Our Place for the children to further their learning through the following avenues of Being, Becoming and Belonging: A play-based, child- initiated program.
Before School Care: 6:30am – 8:00am
After School Care: 3:15pm – 6:00pm
Vacation Care: 6:30am – 6:00pm
To access our Canterbury OSHC Service, please enter via the Easterly Street Gate.
Park your car either in the carpark to the left or right, or on the edge of the roundabout, then follow the footpath to the gate beside Care Central.
Student sign-in is on the Meadow side of the OSHC Classroom.
Before School Care: $26.00 per session
After School Care: $31.00 per session
Vacation Care: $71.00 per day
Late Pick-Up Fee: $20.00
Before School Care: $28.00 per session
After School Care: $33.00 per session
Vacation Care: $75.00 per day
Late Pick-Up Fee: $20.00
These prices include food and the Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
Enrolments in our Before School, After School and Vacation Care may be eligible for the Australian Government’s Child Care Subsidy.
For more information, please refer to the Services Australia website BY CLICKING HERE.
As part of our OSHC program, students are provided with meals during their session.
All dietary and cultural requirements are catered for, with this information captured during the enrolment process.
Served between 6:30am – 7:30am, a light breakfast is available to students attending Before School Care and Vacation Care.
All students are served a healthy lunch, prepared fresh onsite by our professional kitchen staff, as part of our Vacation Care program.
Some Vacation Care activities may involve students cooking or preparing their own lunches under staff supervision – and may include harvesting fresh ingredients from our campus Kitchen Garden.
Afternoon Tea
Served from 3:30pm, a nutritious afternoon tea is provided as part of the After School and Vacation Care programs.
Please Note: Students who wish to bring their own food to OSHC are more than welcome.

All enrolled students must be signed in and out of the service every day.
Before School
Use the digital sign in screen near the Meadow entrance upon arrival. Ensure that you verbally confirm with a staff member that your child/ren have arrived to the service. Service staff will sign students out at 8:00am after which they will be supervised by Canterbury yard duty staff.
After School
Students will be signed in by service staff by 3:25pm. Use the digital sign in screen near the Meadow entrance upon departure. Ensure that you verbally confirm with a staff member that you have collected your child/ren.
Vacation Care
Use the digital sign in screen near the Meadow entrance both upon arrival and departure. Ensure that you verbally confirm with a staff member when you arrive and depart.
Canterbury OSHC Main Features
- It provides time for both homework and relaxation.
- It incorporates fun and educational activities.
- It provides healthy, tasty and nutritious snacks.
- And best of all, it makes time for ‘kids to be kids’ – to play and explore, share experiences with friends, and make new friends, while learning basic socialisation skills.
- Enjoying their precious younger school years in a dedicated, secure and fully supervised OSHC environment, staffed by professionally trained and friendly personnel.
Enrolments & Bookings
Before booking sessions, students must be enrolled into the OSHC Service.
Please click on the Enrolment button below, then complete the enrolment form details.
Once processed by our Admin team, you will receive an email with full log-in instructions.
Outside School Hours Care and Vacation Care can both be booked via the Xplor Home website at – http://login.myxplor.com OR the Xplor Home app available from the Android Google Play Store or Apple App Store.