AI & Learning Innovation

There is no doubt that the challenge of making our students ‘world ready’ requires Canterbury to be creative and flexible in our thinking and learning and able to draw upon more than historical practices to inform our teaching.

Learning Innovation student on tablet

What we consider innovation today will not be that tomorrow as by definition innovation is simply the process of change. At Canterbury, we endeavour to embrace the history of innovation as well as that of tomorrow as we transform into a 1-1 landscape using the Microsoft Surface Pro7 as the crux of our technological framework that spans to VR, robotics, drones and flexible landscapes, both real and virtual.

Canterbury staff are expert in using Microsoft Teams and OneNote to allow access to learning 24-7 as the combination of student workspace, class content sections and collaborative areas enable students to be instantly and always connected to their teachers, peers and their learning. Virtual conversation spaces in Teams allows discussion to go on long after the student has left the physical classroom and can be both instantaneous and historically captured. All Canterbury classrooms have wireless projection that enables teachers to project onto student screens as well as capture their learning whilst being mobile and interactive in real time.

Our students walk inside the human body or mix with the gladiators of the Colosseum using VR goggles or learn Japanese by coding a conversation with a robot.

Aerial footage using drone technology enables Biology students to map water catchment areas and analyse sustainability practices and our Rugby and Netball teams connect in training via social media long after leaving the field.

Robot students

AI is no longer a distant futuristic concept…
It is here and now, expanding exponentially, and easily accessible to everyone.
Schools are no exception and Canterbury is determined to keep pace with this technology and harness the best it has to offer in education to our students and staff.
The Australian Government recently introduced guidelines for AI’s use within schools, recognising its ability to support teaching and learning.
Many exciting developments involving AI are already taking place in our classrooms.
Mr James Jenkins – our Head of AI and Digital Transformation, gives you this easy guide into how we are currently integrating AI into Canterbury College’s educational environment.