2024 Kime House & Orange Sky: The Sudsy Challenge | Getting Involved & Online Donations


Our very orange Kime House Student Leaders are spreading the word about our Sudsy Challenge Canterbury College Official Fundraiser, and encouraging students to sign up and participate.

They are also inviting the Canterbury Community to donate via our Official Sudsy Challenge Webpage where we remain ladder leaders on the Schools Leaderboard HERE – https://www.thesudsychallenge.com.au/fundraisers/CanterburyCollege

Last year, Canterbury College raised over $34,000 for Orange Sky Australia, as the leading school contributor and we are back on the case in 2024!

Orange Sky Australia provides essential services for the homeless, including mobile hot showers and laundry, along with some friendly conversation.

Our Kime House Student Leaders have been leading workshops during Wellbeing sessions and engaging Senior School students in fun activities to raise awareness for Orange Sky’s The Sudsy Challenge.

If you would like to contribute OR register to wear the orange shirt every day for the last three school days of Term 3 and get sponsored, please visit our Official Sudsy Challenge Webpage.