Week 7 Assembly Highlights | SHEP & Languages Speech Competition Results

During Thursday’s School Assembly, we celebrated a couple of noteworthy achievements.

Firstly, we proudly announced the SHEP: State Honours Ensemble Program awards for students in Years 6-11.

This prestigious program, offered by the Queensland Conservatorium of Griffith University, is dedicated to nurturing and inspiring young musicians across the State.

Since its inception in 2001, SHEP has grown significantly, becoming an integral part of music education in Queensland.

The program brings together passionate students from various regional centres and metro Brisbane, providing them with opportunities to collaborate and elevate their musical talents.

Congratulations to all our talented award recipients…

South-East Queensland Program

Year 6: Jhaiella Gee – Violin, Phoebe Wong – Violin

Year 8: Charli List – Double Bass, Constance Lao – Vocal, Nayeon Kim – Clarinet

Brisbane Program

Year 6: Michael Kotykhov – Viola

Year 7: Lily Prewett – Violin

Year 9: Sylar Carney – Vocal, Eliza Flower – Vocal, Tiffany Tindall – Vocal

Year 10: Henry Zhang – Flute, Destinee Pickvance-Yee – Vocal

Year 11: Mitchell Dixon – Trombone, Georgia Woehrle – Alto Saxophone, Ben Stanley – Percussion

Secondly, we recognised the winners of the 2024 Languages Speech Competition.

Earlier this month, 46 Canterbury students, including 12 from our Junior School, competed against dozens of other schools at the Language Teachers Association of Queensland Speech Competition, held at Griffith University.

Preparations began last term, with students writing and practicing their speeches.

On the competition day, Canterbury excelled, winning awards in all the language divisions we entered – Mandarin, Spanish, French, and Japanese!

Our students brought home four gold, one silver, and four bronze medals, along with numerous placings and highly commended awards.

Well done to all the contestants, and a special thank you to our dedicated teachers – Mrs Martinez, Mr Clark, Ms Rosello, Ms Wu, Mrs Norfolk, Mr Harmer and Mrs Tani.


Year 4 – 2nd Place: Nua de Wet, Highly Commended: Aarav Patel

Year 5 – 1st Place: Ananyaa Parikh, 3rd Place: Karta Watkins-Rameka, Highly Commended: Adelyn Shields

Year 6 – Highly Commended: Haeun Bae

Year 7 – 1st Place: Bear Newsham, 3rd Place: Anagha Menon

Year 8 – 3rd Place: Ellyse Pal

Year 10 – Highly Commended: Gurjaap Buttar


Year 7 – Highly Commended: Evie Schelbach, Highly Commended: Ruoxi Chen

Year 8 – 1st Place: Mikael Sandanayake

Year 9 – 1st Place: Jillian Zamora, 4th Place: Hayley Schoeck, Highly Commended: Penina Pao


Year 9 – 3rd Place: Prabhnoor Kaur

Year 12 – Highly Commended: Emerald Kaing


Year 11 – Highly Commended: Claire Plummer

Year 12 – Highly Commended: Airlie Bower, Highly Commended: Angelina Som