Canterbury Excels At Interschool Spelling Bee

This week, our top spellers from Years 3-6 competed in the Interschool Spelling Bee at Coomera’s Saint Stephen’s College, representing Canterbury as part of our Lumina Program for high-performing students.

All four students demonstrated exceptional spelling skills, confidently advancing to the challenging unseen word list rounds:

  • Year 3: Hadley Young
  • Year 4: Aarav Patel
  • Year 5: Lekith Sudhakaran
  • Year 6: Armaan Ali

A special shout-out to Hadley Young and Aarav Patel for earning Runner-Up in the Year 3 and Year 4 Divisions.

Congratulations to all our spellers for representing Canterbury College with such excellence!

Mr Jonathon Wheatley | Lumina Coordinator