Science Community Showcase At Canterbury | Recap & Photos


Yesterday afternoon, we celebrated our Science Community Showcase for 2024 National Science Week, diving into the fascinating world of matter in an educational and engaging way.

Our Year 9 students captivated the audience with their Science Show demonstrations, which they’ve been presenting to our Junior School students throughout the week, while our teachers impressed with a series of intriguing experiments, all focused on the theme of matter.

In physics, matter exists in distinct forms—solid, liquid, gas, and plasma—each observable in our daily lives.

The event offered a variety of interactive displays and hands-on activities centered around the different forms of matter, sparking curiosity among attendees.

Some highlights included freezing flowers, grapes, and balloons, and even measuring the speed of light using cheese and a microwave—all in a safe and controlled environment!

One of the crowd’s favourites was the Science Kitchen’s liquid nitrogen frozen marshmallows, which had a surprisingly crunchy texture.

Science at Canterbury College is always an adventure!

To see more photos, please visit our Facebook page HERE.