2024 Winter Music Festival: Friday Night Rocks Concert | Photo Gallery

Last Friday, our second concert of the Winter Music Festival series – Friday Night Rocks, rocked the Canterbury Events Centre.

It was a great night, filled with energy and excitement, as the Canterbury community came together to enjoy the student performances.

Our Junior and Senior Guitar Ensembles, AGB: All Girls Band, our Rock Band Trio and all other Canterbury Rock School Bands performed on-stage.

It was the perfect segue after our Creative Industries Showcase event, where guests could see and hear what our artistic and musical students have been achieving here on campus.

Stay tuned for the next concert in our Winter Music Festival series – Kaleidoscope, happening THIS Wednesday evening from 6pm – 7pm, finishing well before State Of Origin Game One which kicks off around 8:05pm. ❄️

For the full photo gallery, please visit our Facebook Page.