2024 Junior School Public Speaking Competition Finals: Lumina Program | Event Wrap & Photo Gallery

Last Thursday, we held our 2024 Canterbury College Junior School Public Speaking Competition in the Junior School Library. ️

As part of our Junior School’s Lumina Program – which supports high-performing students, the Years 3-6 finalists aimed to entertain, persuade or inform their audience with a particular topic.

This practical experience gave our young students the opportunity to demonstrate the impact and influence of language on their audience, while also building confidence speaking in public, as well as essential communication skills.

Our judges – Principal Dan Walker, Head Of Junior School Karen Roman, Assistant Head Of Junior School (Learning) Alisha Richardson and Junior School’s Public Speaking & Debating Coordinator Courtney Jones – joined the Lumina Program Head Jonathon Wheatley, to assess the various speeches based on their structure, pacing, volume, clarity and the use of technical or emotive vocabulary.

Additionally, the students’ body language played a crucial role in enhancing their spoken delivery.

Congratulations to these talented students for stepping up in front of senior College staff and participating in something that many find quite daunting.

The full photo gallery from this event can be found on our Facebook Page HERE.