2023 Semester 1: Spark Learning Expo | FULL Photo Gallery

Today, our Years 5-6 students proudly showed off the results of all their hard work, after two terms of special Spark Elective classes at their Spark Learning Expo.

Following a semester of inquiry-based learning, they excitedly presented their projects and business ideas to their peers, parents, carers and general members of our Canterbury community.

The Spark subjects that our students covered this semester were – $20 Boss, 3D Movie Animation,  Aquatic Biology, Arts Renewal: Bookbinding & Decorating, Critical & Creative Thinking, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Green Thumbs: Gardening & Plant Propagation, The Magic Of Movement, Mission To Mars, Pottery With A Purpose and Structural Engineering: Building Bridges.

The FULL Photo Gallery can be found on our Facebook Page HERE.