Submit an Enrolment Application online along with the following documents:
Semester 1 and 2 Reports
NAPLAN Results (if applicable)
Court Orders (if applicable)
Visa Evidence (if not an Australian citizen)
$225 Enrolment Application Fee

An Enrolment Interview will be arranged typically two years prior to commencement in Year 5 and Year 7 or one year prior for new Prep students.
If an application is lodged to start the same year, an interview will be arranged as soon as possible.

Once a position becomes available, a written Letter Of Offer and Enrolment Contract will be sent via email.

Please return this Enrolment Contract together with your payment of the $375 Enrolment Acceptance Fee and the $500 Fee Payable In Advance which will be deducted from your first fee statement.

An Orientation Day is scheduled during Term 4 of the year prior to your child’s planned commencement, where important start-up information is provided.
Orientations can also be provided for students who commence straight after enrolment confirmation.

Uniforms and Stationery can be purchased throughout the year.
Senior School Subjects can now be selected (if applicable).

Welcome to Canterbury! Your student commences at the beginning of the school year in January, or at an agreed time if mid-year.