2024 ATAR Results Confirm Canterbury’s World Ready Academic Credentials

After receiving their final subject results from the QCAA on Wednesday, Canterbury College’s Class of 2024 received their impressive ATAR results from QTAC this Friday afternoon.

34 of their newly graduated Year 12s have already received university offers, prior to their ATARs being issued, providing early reassurance for those students and their families, and further confirmation of Canterbury’s strong academic credentials.

With most Queensland Year 12 students now awaiting QTAC offers through December and January, Canterbury congratulates its graduates, and is proud to announce the following highlights.

This year, Canterbury College can announce that three of its students achieved an ATAR over 99.00, representing 4% of their ATAR-eligible cohort.

  • Alec Dyer: 99.95 ATAR and Dux of the College. Alec is only one of 36 students across Queensland who achieved this highest possible ATAR score.
  • Zachary Vasquez: 99.75 ATAR and Proxime Accessit to the Dux.
  • Lucas Consolati: 99.45 ATAR.

A summary of other key indicators shows the high academic quality of this 2024 group:

  • 11% of Canterbury students achieved an ATAR of 97.00 or above. This is the third best result in the College’s history.
  • 16% of Canterbury students achieved an ATAR of 95.00 or above. This is the third best result in the College’s history.
  • 13% of eligible Canterbury students will be awarded Certificate of Academic Commendations for their results of six ‘As’ in General and Extension Subjects.

Principal Mr Dan Walker saw today’s ATAR results as reinforcing the College’s proud ‘World Ready’ mantra.

“The fact that our top academic students here at Canterbury are achieving amongst the highest possible ATARs in the whole State is worthy of acclamation,” Mr Walker said.

“Our wonderful Year 12s recorded no less than 140 ‘As’ in General and Extension subjects, which is truly remarkable, as well as eight perfect EA scores, and 83 subject results greater than 90.

“I am especially proud that 84% of our Class of 2024 were ATAR-eligible, which compares to just 51% across Queensland, which shows the clear and strong academic focus of our school.”

Furthermore, many of Canterbury College’s Year 12s have already commenced apprenticeships and traineeships, with the cohort earning 96 separate Vocational Education & Training (VET) certificate-level qualifications between them.

It stands as another strong indicator of the World Ready skills and training available to its Years 10-12 students, alongside incoming bold new Micro-Credentials Courses in Years 9-10.

Please Note: As is the case for every Queensland school, these results only include those students who provided permission for the College to access their ATAR results.